Tag: Bard

  • Is ChatGPT AI Bot Bad for Ranking?

    Is ChatGPT AI Bot Bad for Ranking?

    Getting to the top of google is the main goal for a website. Having new tools available like the AI powered Large Language Models can help you move up the ranks.

  • Write a limerick about a fish.

    Write a limerick about a fish.

    Advertise here Asking the Large Language Models (LLM) Chat Bots silly things is a good use of their time. Avoiding any requests for factual information will help keep things correct. This is because they don't fact check anything. Ask for a joke, limerick, their ideas about the future or just an opinion for some chat…

  • Google Bard

    Google Bard

    Welcome to Bard, your creative and helpful collaborator, here to supercharge your imagination, boost your productivity, and bring your ideas to life. Your feedback helps Bard improve its responses.