a mysterious castle with cloudy skies in the background

and (select'1'from//cast (md5(1728821472) as//int))>'0

Odd random stuff appearing in the weblogs gets explained.

SQL Injection attempt

The code is an SQL injection attempt. SQL injection is a type of security vulnerability that occurs when an attacker is able to manipulate the SQL query being executed by a web application, typically by inserting malicious SQL code into user-provided input fields. This one was found appended to a URL:


This code is specifically targeting SQL databases and is not directly related to URLs. However, suppose a website or web application is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks and uses URLs with parameters that are directly used in SQL queries. In that case, an attacker might try to manipulate those URLs to exploit the vulnerability and potentially gain unauthorized access to the database or perform other malicious actions.

Let's break down the code step by step:

  1. and: This is a logical operator used to combine conditions in SQL queries.
  2. (select '1' from ...) It is an attempt to inject a subquery into the existing SQL query. In SQL, a subquery is a query nested inside another query, and it can be used to retrieve data from the database.
  3. cast(md5(1728821472) as int): This part is trying to calculate the MD5 hash of the integer value 1728821472 and then cast the resulting hash as an integer. MD5 is a cryptographic hash function that takes an input and produces a fixed-length, 32-character hexadecimal string as output.
  4. >'0: This is a comparison condition. It's checking if the result of the subquery (the casted MD5 hash) is greater than the integer 0. If the condition is true, it will return 1 (true); otherwise, it will return 0 (false).


The goal of this code is to manipulate an existing SQL query by injecting a subquery that calculates the MD5 hash of a specific integer value and checks if the result is greater than zero. If the condition is true, it suggests that the SQL injection attempt was successful and might grant unauthorized access or reveal information from the database.

Exploiting Vulnerability

To put it simply, the attacker is trying to exploit a vulnerability in a web application's input handling to modify the database query in a way that the application's developers didn't intend. This is a malicious activity and is typically illegal and unethical. Security-conscious websites and applications use various measures to prevent SQL injection attacks, such as input validation and prepared statements, to protect against such attempts.





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