Category: Cars

  • Remote garage door reprogramming instructions

    Remote garage door reprogramming instructions

    Advertise here Chamberlain, Liftmaster (Professional), Merlin and many more remote garage door fob reprogramming instructions. Losing the garage opener remote control is not a huge disaster, as you may have first thought; we were in a similar position with both Chamberlain Liftmaster garage door openers that went missing with other keys. Source the replacements Finding…

  • OBD port location on the Ford C-MAX

    OBD port location on the Ford C-MAX

    Advertise here Where is the elusive OBD2 port located on the 2011 model Ford C Max? Hopefully, the picture will help you locate the Second Generation C-MAX OBD port hidden behind a fold-down flap under the lighting control switch. The arrow points to my NEXAS NexLink Bluetooth 5.0 OBDII Scanner (from Amazon) connected to the…