awesome free spaceman image generated by AI

Awesome FREE images

How do you get free images for use on your website? Free of distracting watermarks and high quality images?

You may be a great webmaster and can write brilliant posts but not so good with the graphics? Maybe you need a picture to support your post that has everything you want, but isn't available on the web to buy or even borrow.

Make it yourself

Sounds simple, but if you are not an artist or have any artistic capabilities this seems to be a wall that is just too high. Even if you could knock something up, would it be good enough, would it take too long, would it do your topic justice and would you be happy with it?

Any answer No to the above and we can point you in an unusual but satisfying direction.

Our Astronaut

Out astronaut took about 10 minutes in total. This includes making a coffee while the image rendered. He (or She) or should it be just 'They' didn't cost any money to make and I did not have to download any software to use it.

A free (as in free beer), high quality image that is free (as in free to use) custom image that was made specifically for this post. Unique in itself and free to be copied. (Yes, if you want to use it, go ahead) but I believe you can do better with the tools I can show you to use.

No Downloads

No software to download, no apps to install. All on a laptop (but you can use your phone) because it is all done in a browser.


Free in both meanings of the word. No cost to pay and no restrictions or copyright to buy. It is nice to give a credit to the tool and the tool makers are quite insistent that you can't say that 'you made it'. Although you had a hand in making it, the tool actually rendered the image and its the tool (tools) that get the credit for the work.

The tool uses credit and credits are issued daily, for free. This keeps the service from being overloaded and available to all. You can buy credit, but the free credits accumulate quickly if you claim them every day.

The 'cost' of rendering images is just credits and these are issued to you for free, so no costs are accrued in the making of the pictures.

Name the tool already!

So the name of the tool is is an AI Art Generator that can Create beautiful art in seconds with the help of Artificial Intelligence.

The power of Artificial Intelligence is leveraged to produce some stunning pictures from just a few words of input.


To use the AI to make an image just enter a few words to describe the scene you want to create. This is what we asked for:

spaceman with helmet visor reflecting a google logo

This is what the AI produced for us:

4 awesome free spaceman images

The settings allow use of different AI Bots and a huge range of pre-set themes to give you the style you are looking for. If the image isn't right, alter your text input to modify the output or choose a different output.

The 4 images cost 1 credit (you can get 5 credits a day, for free). One image stood out about the other 3. That single image was selected and downloaded.

The google logo did't appear, but I am guessing that a copyrighted logo is a no-go, but it did contribute to some nice colours?

spaceman reflecting visor colourful selfie

One image stood out form the rest and that single image can be downloaded.

Having 4 images is a time saving option. It costs more credits but you can see more results in a single pass. We got our image in just one pass. That's amazing and didn't cost a penny. Thank you to


In just a few, very simple steps we have our image. No cost, free to use. Our Astronaut stands proudly at the top of our page.

You are not restricted to space themes. If you need some inspiration on what can be done with the then head over to their explore gallery that showcases the work others have done. These are not free to use but do show you what can be achieved with the powerful tools available in AI image generation.


The resulting image is generally rectangular at 512px X 512px. But you can see in our banner image, also shown below that the picture is wide and more coloured space in the background. This effect is created by another free tool that we talk about how you can use this very easily, here.

awesome colourful spaceman reflective visor with northern lights background





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