Getting indexed by Google

You have a website and you want it to appear on the google search engine.

This is a very common request and some are more successful than others in getting their website added to the big G.

Great Content

You have great content, but there is more to engaging with google than just your unique and informative content. Adding these necessary features are quite simple but can easily be overlooked when building a new site.

Add these

There are a few things to add to a new website to improve the chances that google will want to index your site.

About Us Page

Make a new page to act as your 'About Us' information post. Add a little bit or a lot of information to your new about us page that google can see and learn about you.

Contact Us Page

Adding a 'Contact Us' page will send the right signals to Google that you are a professional outfit that can be contacted. A contact form is a popular choice and can filters spam contact with a plugin like Akismet for wprdpress.

Privacy Policy

Adding a Privacy Police my be a legal requirement for the country you are hosting in, living in or the country you expect your visitors to come from.

  • GDPR (European Union)
  • UK-GDPR, PECR, Data Protection Act (United Kingdom)
  • General Privacy Guidelines (United States)
  • PIPEDA (Canada)
  • Privacy Act 1988 (Australia)
  • POPIA (South Africa)
  • LGPD (Brazil)

Different regions have their own take on the privacy/cookie laws.

There a number of wordpress plugins that can handle the bulk of the privacy for you, we like Complianz for wordpress sites.

If you want to serve ads on your website to generate an income then we recommend the privacy policy service from Ezoic. While the ezoic service is centred around monetising your website with Advertising, it does include some awesome free addons like their Privacy Policy solution. Their privacy works with all websites and no plugins are required.

Add a Menu

Adding a menu will make it easy for your visitors, including the google bot to navigate your site. Without a menu the search engine crawler will struggle to see all your sites pages and may consider the site to be of low quality content.

More than content

Getting on the right side of the search engines needs more than just great content. It needs to be accessible to all, easy to navigate and the site should provide an enjoyable experience. Adding the extra pages for about, contact and privacy will all send good signals to the visiting crawlers to encourage their return.






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